In September, we did something that had never been done before.
Hurlbut Care Communities reserved Seabreeze Amusement Park for a Hurlbut day at the park. For five hours on a sunny September day, over 2,000 employees and family members joined us for rides, the waterpark, the midway and more. We gave each employee four tickets and provided bus transportation for everyone at some of our more geographically diverse locations.
I want to thank the Norris family, Seabreeze owners, who were wonderfully accommodating and made sure everything went smoothly. A great example of one family owned business helping another!
This was the first year we did this and Christine Hurlbut-Owen, our Vice President, our Vice President, and I hope to make it an annual event to recognize and reward our employees and their families. As I noted at the event, I am very proud of how each person here lives our mission each and every day. That mission being: "At Hurlbut Care Communities, our family of compassionate professionals provides person-centered care to our residents and support to their families – to enrich body, heart, mind and spirit."
And finally, as you can see, no one had more fun that I did riding the carousel!
Robert W. Hurlbut President