Financial Considerations In Selecting a Nursing Home.
The financial aspects of paying for nursing home care can become complicated quickly. As a starting point, here are the three main ways long-term care is paid for:
1. Personal funds
2. Long-term care insurance
3. Medicaid
When it comes to Medicaid, the process of getting approval can really be a maze. Our Hurlbut Care Communities work closely with Medicaid Recoveries, a local organization that has achieved great success in obtaining Medicaid approvals. For residents of our facilities, we also help guide you through the Medicaid process and pay for the assistance of Medicaid Recoveries when additional expertise is required.
To learn more about each of the three options above (Personal Funds, Long-term care insurance, and Medicaid), click here.
On that same page, you’ll find our chart of what each type of funding will typically cover. And you’ll want to read through our important information about Medicaid, including some interesting content about why you may not wish to rely on Medicaid as your only source of payments. At Hurlbut Care Communities, we are always happy to speak with you about these important factors in an open, objective way, if we can share our experience and expertise, please contact us.
Thanks for reading and please leave any comments or questions below.
Robert W. Hurlbut, President