In recognition of his dedication, support and heartfelt care to the people we serve...
In recognition of his dedication, support and heartfelt care to the people we serve and who reside in our Hurlbut Care Communities, Robert W. Hurlbut was selected as this year's recipient of the Arc of Monroe County's 2017 Business Partner Award.
As Bob Hurlbut reflected at the annual ARC luncheon; "HutlbutTM Care Communities doesn't just provide specialized care. We provide opportunities to members of this often-underestimated population — individuals who turn out to be some of our hardest working and dedicated employees."
As the Arc of Monroe's longest standing Job Path partner, we look forward to our ongoing collaboration with the ARC of Monroe County — as well as expanding the program to work with other ARC's in outlying counties.
To learn more about this honor, please click the link below.